
Face/Neck Lift

The face and neck lift is a combination procedure that is designed to restore a more youthful appearance to the face and neck areas. Extra skin is surgically excised and the facial muscles are tightened to create a lift. This type of surgical correction will eliminate deep lines and folds in the face, remove jowls around the jaw, and tighten up sagging skin in the neck. Face and neck lift surgery can restore a more youthful and rested look, making patients look years younger in many cases.

Who is a Good Candidate for Face and Neck Lift?

Good face and neck lift candidates are in good overall health and able to physically handle a major surgical procedure. People who feel that their appearance doesn't reflect the (still-youthful) way that they feel inside may be excellent candidates for this type of surgery. Patients for face and neck lift should be non-smokers or should be prepared to quit smoking at least a few weeks ahead of the procedure.

Benefits of Face and Neck Lift

Face and neck lift surgery can give a person a much more youthful appearance. Many people find that this surgery offers enormous self-esteem benefits and that it makes them far more confident at work and in social situations. Face and neck lift patients look more naturally rested and refreshed rather than constantly appearing exhausted. Having a facelift and a neck lift at the same time ensures that the patient has a cohesive look. Having these procedures done at the same time also allows for a single anesthesia and surgery session rather than 2 separate sessions, which means a reduction in cost.

Cost of Face and Neck Lift

Face and neck lift surgery typically ranges from $4,000 to $14,000.

Face and Neck Lift Techniques

Every face and neck lift procedure is customized for the patient based on their individual needs. Incisions are typically created in or around the hairline near the temples. The facelift incisions then move around and in the back of the ear, while the neck lift incision can be limited to usually just under the chin. The skin is carefully separated from the muscles and structural tissues below. The structural tissues are moved upwards, into a more youthful position. These tissues are then held in place with permanent sutures. Any extra skin is surgically excised and the skin is then repositioned over the face.

Preparing for Face and Neck Lift

A couple of weeks before the face and neck lift procedure, the patient will meet with the Rau Plastic Surgery team to review the procedure, sign consent forms, obtain necessary prescriptions, and learn specific preparation instructions. Patients may need to discontinue some medications before their face and neck lift procedure. Anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements can all cause excessive bleeding during surgery, so these should be discontinued well ahead of the procedure. Patients will be given specific instructions about preparing for anesthesia. Typically, this includes not eating or drinking from the night prior to surgery until the surgery time.

The Face and Neck Lift Procedure

Patients are usually under general anesthesia for the face and neck lift procedure. They will be unaware of the surgery and won't be in pain. The procedure is a fairly lengthy one, usually taking between 3 and 5 hours in total. Face and neck lift patients are encouraged to stay one night in the hospital, and can then return home to recover.

Face and Neck Lift Recovery

Patients can expect to return to simple activities around 3-10 days after a face and neck lift and to return to work between 2 and 4 weeks post-surgery. Most people feel that they are "socially acceptable" by around 10 to 14 days after the surgery. Once the stitches have been removed, patients can use makeup to conceal scars, bruises, and redness if desired.

Results: What to Expect

Most patients are extremely happy with their more youthful appearance after a face and neck lift. Full healing does take some time, however. It can take several months for the full effect of the facelift to be seen, as a small amount of swelling may still be present. As long as patients have realistic expectations for their face and neck lift surgery, there is no reason that they won't be very happy with the results.

Ready to Talk About Face and Neck Lift?

Ready to talk to an experienced plastic surgeon about face and neck lift surgery? Dr. Jeffrey Rau at Rau Plastic Surgery is here to help. Call anytime to schedule a face and neck lift consultation.